LNG is liquefied natural gas, and is widely used in the energy sector. LNG has many benefits compared to petroleum, other gas or electricity-producing coal. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced by around 25%, and there are many other positive effects. NOX emissions are reduced by approximately 90%. Absence of sulfur, dust and particulate emissions. This is the reason why we can safely say that changing from any fossil fuel to natural gas will contribute to a better environment, locally and globally.

LNG is natural gas cooled to around -162°C (-260 °F), at this temperature the gas is in a liquid state. Cooling causes a volume reduction of 6000%, so the gas can be effectively transported and stored in insulated vacuum tanks on trucks, containers and ships. Therefore, LNG is a more flexible and storage-friendly solution than piped gas or compressed natural gas (CNG).
Advantages of Chemical Properties
Facts about LNG – LNG consists mostly of methane (CH4). When the combustion process is carried out, methane molecules react with two water molecules and…
Low Risk LNG
LNG has a low flammability. LNG requires a gas/air mixture of around 5-15% to be flammable. Lower mix…
Non-Toxic LNG
LNG has no color or odor and is non-toxic. Natural gas leaks can still affect the amount of oxygen available while in…
Efek Jika Terjadi Kebocoran
A natural gas or LNG leak will have minimal impact on plant and animal life, except for anything that comes into direct contact with LNG/inner gas..

Operational benefits
LNG is a clean energy source with easy regulations. Requires minimal maintenance and delivery is fast and simple.
Economical Maintenance Costs
Using LNG as an energy source reduces maintenance on boilers and engines significantly. LNG has operational advantages…
Better Regulatory Options
LNG has much better regulatory and combustion process control options compared to oil. Better regulations reduce…
Easy Delivery System
When you choose LNG as an energy source we will handle all LNG infrastructure. We will monitor gas stocks and consumption to…
Company Business Chain
PGN LNG is a PGN subsidiary which was established to carry out special businesses in the LNG sector. We are tasked with developing LNG infrastructure throughout Indonesia and supporting PGN by ensuring the stability of gas supply security (Security of Gas Supply).

We will be responsible for procuring LNG, transporting LNG to the LNG Terminal, building the LNG Terminal and distributing gas directly to customer facilities. We are ready to take a role along the LNG supply chain, starting from the construction of an LNG Liquefaction Plant, FSRU, Small FSRU, Land Based LNG Terminal, Small Regas Terminal and LNG Bunkering Terminal with various modes of transportation using LNG Carrier and/or LNG Trucking.
Using LNG as an energy source can have a positive impact on costs compared to electricity and other fossil fuels.
Three Cost Benefit
There are three main advantages that make natural gas and LNG more cost-effective than alternative energy sources. For our customers, low costs are the main reason for choosing energy solutions from PT PGN LNG Indonesia. The three benefits are: Low investment, low energy prices, and lower taxes and fees.
Low Investment Cost
Changing to LNG is often not associated with significant investment costs. Depending on your existing equipment, you may need to replace the burner or adjust the existing burner. We will provide solutions for you on what to do within the shipping specifications.
Cheaper Energy Prices
We provide effective means of transportation and minimal storage costs resulting in low energy costs for our customers. The cost of LNG energy varies monthly and is usually lower than alternative energy from the electricity grid or other oil, coal and gas.
Lower Cost Tax
Using LNG as your energy source provides huge environmental benefits when compared to using oil and other fossil fuels. Compared to light fuel oil there is a reduction in CO2 emissions of around 25% and NOX of around 90%. There are no dust or particle emissions from the combustion process. This leads to lower taxes, fees and penalties from the government for emissions.

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