PGN LNG develops and implements a Quality, Occupational Safety & Health, Security, Environmental Management, Energy and Anti-Bribery Policy system (“MK3P2LE-AP”) in line with the company’s commitment to ensuring the management of the MK3P2L-E aspects is carried out well.

Quality Policy, Occupational Safety & Health, Security, Environmental Management Energy and Anti-Bribery (MK3P2LE-AP)
PT PGN LNG Indonesia “PLI” including Subsidiaries/Affiliates under PLI’s operational control and Goods/Services Providing Partners working on behalf of PLI, is always committed to carrying out operational activities by paying attention to quality, health & safety, security, environmental protection & community, energy, process safety, asset integrity and reputation/image which are the Company’s main priorities in accordance with the Company’s values to support business sustainability in achieving the Company’s goals, vision and mission, and the Company’s MK3P2LE-AP aspect standards to support business sustainability in achieving goals , the Company’s vision and mission by:
Manage risks through minimizing risks as low as possible in accordance with the As Low as Reasonably Predictable (ALARP) principle including Major Accident Hazards by ensuring adequate mitigation required through the use of standard equipment, safe process control, competent human resources, ensuring an emergency response system and the crisis has been prepared, as well as involving the community as a security instrument so that business continuity can be maintained;
Comply with applicable laws and other requirements in the MK3P2LE-AP field including internal regulations, national & international laws, standards and best practices in all Company business and operational activities to achieve strategic targets:
Providing competent human resources capable of imbuing and embodying AKHLAK cultural values, financial resources and other resources with adequate numbers and capabilities.
Prohibit bribery and similar practices within the Company;
Ensure that each personal carries out their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), policies and work reference documents/work procedure systems, as well as applicable laws and other requirements as well as the imposition of sanctions for any violations in accordance with company regulations and applicable laws and regulations;
Ensure understanding and implementation of Corporate Life Saving Rules (CLSR) for Employees and Work Partners, followed by implementing Good Housekeeping, managing Process Safety Barriers and intervening in conditions and actions that are deemed unsafe;
Melakukan upaya perlindungan Lingkungan melalui penggunaan sumber daya yang berkelanjutan, konservasi energi untuk mencapai efisiensi, pengelolaan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK), pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (Limbah B3) serta perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati;
Manage incidents through investigating and learning from incidents to prevent similar incidents in the future and transparently communicating to relevant stakeholders;
Increase the awareness of workers and work partners so that they can carry out work correctly, safely and environmentally friendly and involve workers and work partners in communication and consultation activities;
Providing encouragement for every worker and provider of goods/services to submit complaints regarding alleged violations of policies and work systems carried out by PLI personnel. By developing identification capabilities, providing easily accessible complaint channels, as well as maintaining confidentiality and providing safety guarantees;
Ensure that the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function (FKAP) has adequate authority and independence in order to support the realization of control effectiveness;
Developing an ecosystem of synergy and collaboration based on the principle of mutual benefit with relevant stakeholders including Goods/Services Providers, the community and other stakeholders;
Evaluate and improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the Company Management System regularly for continuous improvement.
Our Goal:
Guarantee Company Quality to increase customer satisfaction;
Reduce the number and severity of incidents, accidents, injuries and occupational diseases of Workers and Work Partners;
Prevent major accidents and reduce their consequences by implementing process safety and asset integrity management;
Use energy more efficiently and reduce Green House Gas (GHG) and non-GHG emissions through energy conservation programs, combustion reduction initiatives and promoting renewable energy.
Prevent environmental pollution with the 4R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery) by improving the quality of liquid waste disposal, handling hazardous and non-hazardous waste, encouraging the use of environmentally friendly materials, efficient use of natural resources including water and preventing oil spills.
Promote biodiversity conservation by integrating biodiversity aspects into the Company’s activities to achieve a net positive impact;
Prevent bribery which could harm the Company and the State.
PLI Management and all its Subsidiaries and Affiliates are responsible for and guarantee that this policy is communicated, implemented, accessible and must be complied with by all Workers, Work Partners, Guests, Goods/Services Providers and Consumers without exception.
President Director
<span data-metadata="">Target MK3P2L-E
Lagging Indicator
Komplain Pelanggan = Maksimal 2X pertahun
Off Spec Product = <1%
Number of Accident (NoA)* = 0
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) ≤0,11**
Penyelesaian Kebocoran Gas = 100%
Penanganan Severity 4/5, Maksimal 2 x 24 jam = 100%
Kecelakaan Kendaraan Berat = ≤ 2
Process Safety Event Level 1 = 0
Illness Fatality = 0
Medical Evacuation = < 2
Total Emission Reduction Konsolidasi SH Gas > 460 Ton COeq***
Pencemaran Lingkungan = 0
Komplain Masyarakat = Maksimal 1X pertahun
Total Recordable Incident Security (TRIS) dengan kategori Significant dan/atau Catastrophic = 0
Leading Indicator
Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan | 2X setahun |
| TSAF | 0,45 | |
| Kalibrasi Custody Measurement | 1X setahun |
| Fit To Work Level | 3 dari 4 |
| Basic Safety Training | 100% |
| Tindak lanjut Hasil MCU | 100% |
| Job Cycle Check (JCC) | 100% |
| MERRAT | 100% |
| Partisipasi RCA | 100% |
| Pelaksanaan HRA | 100% |
| Tindaklanjut RCA Severity 4 & 5 | 100% |
| Tindak lanjut HRA | 100% |
| Tindaklanjut RCA Severity 3 | 85% |
| Health Seminar/education | 1X per semester |
| Tindaklanjut RCA Severity 1 & 2 (housekeeping) | 75% |
| Laporan Pemantauan Lingkungan | 1X per semester |
| Observasi/RCA | 100% |
| Pengelolaan air limbah domestik | 100% |
| Maintenance Critical Equipement | 100% |
| Pengelolaan/pengangkutan Limbah B3 | 100% |
| Functional Test Safety Critical Equipment | 100% |
| Tindak lanjut Gangguan Keamanan | 100% |
| Pipepatrol | 100% |
| Penggalangan Keamanan | 1X per bulan per wilayah |
| Revalidasi PHA | 100% |
| Kompetensi Dasar Personil | 100% |
| Tindaklanjut PHA | 100% |
| Management Visit | 4X setahun |
| FERRAT | 100% |
| Pelaksanaan HSSE/CSC-RC Meeting | 1X sebulan |
| Pelaksanaan Investigasi dan Rekomendasi | 100% |
| Temuan Major SMK3P2LE-AP | 0 |
| Hasil Investigasi (Personil & Property, jika ada) |
| |
| Tindaklanjut SUPREME | 100% |
* Number of Accident (NoA) : Kejadian fatality; major oil spill (≥15 bbl), dan major property damage (direct loss ≥ USD 1 mio)
** Target TRIR merupakan total konsolidasi Sub Holding Gas Pertamina Tahun 2023
*** Target Total Emission Reduction merupakan total konsolidasi Sub Holding Gas Pertamina Tahun 2023
GOLDEN RULES - Patuh, Intervensi, Peduli (PIP)
In order to ensure that occupational safety and health as well as environmental protection are always maintained in our operational activities, we implement the “Golden Rules“, namely:
Patuh – Intervensi – Peduli

In order to ensure the well-being of our workers, clients and partners, we have made it a company regulation to ensure that everyone works in a safe environment. In maintaining the health of our employees, we also ensure that they work productively to provide the best quality service.

We work to minimize the impact on the environment across our operations in Indonesia. We also play a role in the challenge of facing climate change.
This means, for example, improving energy efficiency and setting targets to improve emissions, water use and waste reduction. We also want to protect the ecosystem in our region and beyond.
We report our performance and take measurements in employee work assessments. We also require our contractors and business partners to adhere to similar standards.
This approach ensures that we comply with relevant laws and regulations and drives improvements in our performance.